Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Is to point out how crazy it drives me when 99% of the people of the United States of America accept what the major media outlets LIE to them about and they buy that shit.
Passive acceptance is what will lead us like lambs to the slaughter.
It's already happening on a daily basis
People are just too busy looking for ways to be entertained without having to question anything.
Politicians are profiting and living the high life because they peddle their influence to corporations and the privileged elite.
It's the GOLDEN RULE. Them's that has the gold makes the rules.
I'm not really saying anything new but I'm sick of it. It makes my blood boil.
And I saw a documentary about how israel is fucking over the Palestinian people and this one Palestinian said:


So, yes I'm aware that some day I'll be dead, along with the billions who have come before me and will come after me but while I'm here I will write about it. I will make this attempt, be it ever so small, to change the way things are. I will try to do that by making people question authority.
It is absolutely essential that most of you open your eyes to reality. And realize that you are being lied to every waking minute of your lives. By the major media, tv, newspapers, radio, blogs.
By government officials, people with power over your survival.
And if you do not question things, you are doomed.
If you do not see through the bullshit, you will be buried in it and suffocate eventually.

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